5 Ideas for a healthier office

It can be hard to maintain your healthy lifestyle at work. That vending machine full of candy bars, birthday cakes, and spending most of the day sitting. These are all office hazards to your health. And when you consider that most of us spend the majority of our waking day at the office, one really starts to consider healthier options.Keep on reading for 5 ways to a healthier office.Fresh air and natural light. Now that Spring is here you can start opening your windows and inviting some fresh air to send a breeze of inspiration into your office space. Another benefit to open windows is letting natural light in. Natural light has been known to improve quality of life.Be the healthy snacks guy (or gal). The first step to combating that vending machine is having a healthier option available. Bring healthy snacks from home to fend off that candy bar temptation.Take a walking break. Two or three short, scheduled walks throughout the day are a healthy way to break up the monotony of 8 hours sitting at your desk. Encourage your co-workers to join you.Paint the walls green. Green has been shown to inspire productivity, and is known as the color of concentration (LINK Vhttp://www.webmd.com/women/home-health-and-safety-9/color-psychology?page=2). If painting your walls green is too much try adding some green décor.And speaking of green. Add office plants. We may be a little biased, but we love plants! Honestly though, what’s not to love? Adding plants to your office increases productivity, and cleans the air.If you live in the Chicago area we can add plants to your office space. We offer flexible plant rental plans to brighten your office.


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Celebrate Spring with plants for your office