Tropical Plants in a Northern Garden

We use tropical plants in my garden and especially on the patio to add dramatic interest to the common perennial and annual plants and flowers we grow. They look impressive during the summer into the fall around our home. We bring them into an interior location when below freezing temperatures threaten in October and keep them there until May. Here are examples of Tropical Plants in the northern garden:

Neoregelia Green Apples bromeliads used in a shady location with Hosta.

Neoregelia Green Apples

Neoregelia Green Apples

Ficus Lyrata tree surrounded by Antheriums.  In Vietnamese planter.

Ficus Lyrata Tree with Antherium

Ficus Lyrata Tree with Antherium

30 year old Clivia plant.  This one flowers like this every May for two weeks.

Clivia Plant

Clivia Plant

Everliving Greenery

provides tropical plants for your lobby that accommodates the size and aesthetics of your space no matter the size. We provide the best 

interior landscape service

 available because we have a true desire to keep the plants under our care healthy and attractive all times. Call us today to 

schedule your free consultation.


Benefits of Plants in the Office - Cleaner Indoor Air


Plants for Low Light Locations